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    Storage Dangerous Goods

    What is the ADR Agreement (Accord Dangerous Routier)?

    ADR, European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, is the agreement by which international transport of dangerous goods by road is regulated, and was signed by the UN Economic Commission in Geneva in 1957.

    Detailed provisions are re-issued every two years by the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

    Until this day, most European countries have joined the agreement, while from neighboring countries of Greece, only Turkey has not yet signed.

    Greece ratified the ADR agreement in 1987 with Law 1741/1987. Since then, the agreement is a part of the Greek law.

    According to Article 2 of the ADR Agreement, the road transport of dangerous goods, with the exception of some extremely dangerous goods, is approved as long as it is subjected to the regulations and provisions of the Technical Annexes A and B of the Agreement.

    The agreement lays down provisions regarding classification, packaging, labeling, and testing of dangerous goods transported by road, as well as training of vehicle crew, construction and approval of vehicles. It is based on the UN Model Regulations On The Transport Of Dangerous Goods, and is structured based on the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG).

    You can see the whole agreement at the website of the UN Economic Commision by following the link below:

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